My Favorite Thing to Weave

Double binding on one and rosepath on the other. Both looms are weaving rag rugs. Detailed plans, multiple shuttles, fancy footwork. Piles of cotton fabric, and miles of cut fabric strips. I know what to expect when all these elements combine, but it still fascinates me to see the “roses” bloom on the rosepath and the two layers synchronize in the double binding!

Rosepath rag rug on the Glimakra Ideal loom. Karen Isenhower
Blue and pink “roses” emerge as the result of a planned treadling sequence.
Piles of fabric for making patterned rag rugs.
Piles of fabric on the cutting table. A picture of rag rugs being imagined.

Rosepath has demanding requirements–for threading, treadling, shuttle shuffling, and selvedges. Double binding on eight shafts has its own challenges–which shuttle goes first? But when I am at the loom weaving rag rugs I feel like singing. All of the efforts seem like bonuses to me. Everything comes together in a wonderful fashion. There, perched on my loom bench, I am doing what I love to do!

Double binding rag rug on the Glimakra Standard loom, with 8 shafts, 6 treadles.
Double binding rag rug has two layers woven at the same time. The bottom side of the weaving has reversed colors, with the blue batik fabric on the side borders, and the green and red batik fabric in the center panel.

Wisdom is closer than we think. It’s within reach. Hidden for us, not from us, our heavenly Father offers this gift and challenge called wisdom. The delight of rosepath only happens through the threading and treadling demands. Within the challenge of two-shuttle weaving lies the secret to double binding’s appeal. The thoughtful, truth-seeking approach to life may feel like work. But it’s those very efforts that bring us to the delight and surprise of wisdom’s jewels.

May you find roses blooming on your path.

Happy Weaving,

6 thoughts on “My Favorite Thing to Weave

  1. I am so enjoying your blog posts. Your love and enthusiasm for weaving comes through in every word and photo. I am so glad we connected on Instagram and that I found you. You inspire me to be a better weaver my friend!
    Donna Wynn

    1. Hi Maggie,

      Here are a few resources that say something about double binding:

      The Big Book of Weaving, by Laila Lundell (this has the draft for the 8-shaft double binding rug that I have on the loom now)
      Happy Weaving from Vävmagasinet
      Swedish Rag Rugs 35 New Designs from Vävmagasinet
      A Rug Weaver’s Source Book from Interweave Press
      Rag Rug Handbook by Janet Meany and Paula Pfaff

      There are other Swedish and Scandinavian weaving books that include good examples of double binding rag rugs. Many of those books are not easy to come by.


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